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Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
High School Social Studies Teacher - Oakville High School07/23/2024CertifiedOakville High SchoolApply
Middle School PLTW Teacher07/22/2024CertifiedLocation not being listedApply
Part Time Title 1 Paraprofessional - Bierbaum Elementary07/11/2024CertifiedBierbaum ElementaryApply
Part-time Health Room Assistant07/03/2024ClassifiedLocation not being listedApply
Part Time Title 1 Paraprofessional - Beasley Elementary07/02/2024CertifiedBeasley ElementaryApply
School Bus Driver07/01/2024ClassifiedTransportationApply
Mechanic - Transportation Department07/01/2024ClassifiedTransportationApply
Substitute - School Food and Nutrition Services Technician07/01/2024SubstituteSchool Food and NutritionApply
Activity Bus Driver / Substitute Bus Driver07/01/2024SubstituteTransportationApply
Substitute Teacher07/01/2024SubstituteLocation not being listedApply
Drivers Education Instructor07/01/2024TemporaryCommunity EducationApply
2nd Shift Custodian07/01/2024ClassifiedFacilitiesApply
Swim Instructor-Lifeguard07/01/2024TemporaryCommunity EducationApply
Substitute Health Room Assistant06/14/2024SubstituteLocation not being listedApply
Substitute Nurse06/14/2024SubstituteLocation not being listedApply
Coaching - Mehlville High School 2024-202505/24/2024TemporaryMehlville High SchoolApply
Coaching - Oakville High School 2024-202505/24/2024TemporaryOakville High SchoolApply
School Food and Nutrition Services Technician 3 Hours05/17/2024ClassifiedSchool Food and NutritionApply
Strings Instructor - Community Education05/14/2024TemporaryCommunity EducationApply
PAT Screener - Parents As Teachers02/05/2024TemporaryJohn Cary Early ChildhoodApply